Author page: mcleblog

Oregon CLE Deadline Midnight April 30

Oregon attorneys are required to complete 45 CLE credits in each 3-year reporting period. Of the 45 CLE credit hours, a minimum of 5 ethics hours, 1 elder and child abuse reporting hour, 1 mental health hour are required in each compliance cycle, and 3 access to justice hours are required in alternate reporting periods. Oregon attorneys can login to the Oregon…

CLE As A Service

The Difficulty Of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) For Your Organization Does your law firm or business have problems delivering and reporting your firm’s in-house CLE? Most organizations don’t have a system to deliver, monitor, or report CLE effectively to their attorneys and the states. Your job may be the practice of law, or being an expert witness, not making sure that some…

Law Firms and Cyber Attacks

Are Law Firms A Target For Cyber Attacks? GootLoader… never heard of it? GootLoader is a type of malvertising that has seeded malicious content to search engines for millions of keywords and search terms. Many of these “fake” search terms deal with legal content. When you are searching for something on the internet you could end up seeing one of these fake…

Unraveling Legal Myths: Exploring Fictitious Legal Topics

When AI Is Asked to Write About Fake Legal Topics In the vast and complex realm of law, there are numerous misconceptions and false narratives that often circulate, leading many astray. Today, we embark on a journey to debunk some of the most intriguing yet entirely fabricated legal topics that have captured the imagination of many. While these fictional legal topics may…