Law Firms

Attorney Credits Committed to Quality CLE Courses

For 20 years Attorney Credits has continually evolved our website and courses to make sure that taking your continuing legal education (CLE) is as easy as possible, and that the content of the courses is the best that we can deliver. Course Excellence Attorney Credits has refined our courses based on user feedback over the last two decades. We evaluate each course…

Pennsylvania August CLE Deadline Approaching

Pennsylvania has three annual CLE deadlines, April 30, August 31, and December 31. If you are in compliance group 2, your CLE deadline is only two weeks away. Compliance group 1 has a April 30 CLE deadline and compliance group 3 has a December 31 CLE deadline. Pennsylvania requires a minimum of 12 CLE credits each year, of which a minimum of…

State CLE Reporting Refresh

When it comes to reporting completed continuing legal education (CLE) courses to the states, there are two main differences. There are self-reporting states where attorneys must self-report and there are provider reporting states. In this short blog about CLE reporting, we are going to cover what states Attorney Credits reports to and how frequently we report. Reporting questions are one of the…

CLE on Ethics For TikTok Attorneys

In this CLE, Cari Sheehan will detail the ethical issues associated with using social media & TikTok and review some attorney influencer videos to see if their online conduct truly comports with the Rules of Professional Conduct.  Main topics covered: attorney advertising in a TikTok world, how artificial intelligence can help attorney advertising and ethical rules implicated in advertising on social media platforms.

CLE for Law Firms – Maximize Your Teams Time

We won’t spill the beans – we know you want your attorneys billing every possible hour, and that CLE is just time wasted that they could be billing! In all seriousness, CLE is an important aspect of continued learning that only enhances your attorney’s knowledge. However, they shouldn’t be wasting time looking for CLE or paying too much. Instead, your law firm…

10 Compelling Reasons Why Attorneys Should Prioritize Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) isn’t just a requirement for maintaining a law license; it’s a crucial investment in the success and effectiveness of your practice. Here are ten compelling reasons why attorneys should prioritize CLE: In summary, prioritizing Continuing Legal Education is essential for attorneys looking to stay current, enhance their expertise, maintain ethical standards, expand their networks, boost their reputations, adapt…

CLE on The Importance of Pre-Due Diligence When Selling a Business

An in-depth review of the pre-due diligence process can maximize business value and ensure a seamless sale and transition. This CLE course presents a proven process that evaluates potential risks, validates investment return and identifies opportunities to enhance business value in preparation for business sale or transition.

CLE As A Service

The Difficulty Of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) For Your Organization Does your law firm or business have problems delivering and reporting your firm’s in-house CLE? Most organizations don’t have a system to deliver, monitor, or report CLE effectively to their attorneys and the states. Your job may be the practice of law, or being an expert witness, not making sure that some…

Law Firms and Cyber Attacks

Are Law Firms A Target For Cyber Attacks? GootLoader… never heard of it? GootLoader is a type of malvertising that has seeded malicious content to search engines for millions of keywords and search terms. Many of these “fake” search terms deal with legal content. When you are searching for something on the internet you could end up seeing one of these fake…

Should Attorneys Use AI?

AI, or Not to AI? It seems that everyone, including lawyers, are jumping on the AI bandwagon. Just because ChatGPT and Bard are free to use, is AI a smart addition to your day-to-day practice? AI has some advantages, limitations, ethical considerations, and could even get you disbarred. AI can enhance your efficiency by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as legal…