Personal Injury

CLE on Drafting Real Estate Operating Agreements

Nate Osborn often recommends a very practical solution that offers asset protection & tax benefits – the LLC.  In this CLE he provides practical guidance on how to draft a real estate limited liability company (LLC) operating agreement. Main topics: asking the right questions, determining whether an LLC is the appropriate entity for your client, selecting a member or manager managed LLC, maximizing personal asset protection through the LLC, drafting capital contribution provisions, drafting real estate profit distribution provisions, drafting dispute resolution provisions and tax implications & how to maximize tax benefits.

CLE On Personal Injury Cases: Trial Tips and Techniques for the Courtroom

Experienced New York trial lawyers Jeffrey Kimmel and Joseph Bavaro provide a lively, practical discussion filled with common sense points & tips that you can easily deploy at your next trial.  The dynamic duo will mainly discuss gaining credibility by being yourself, practically applying the rules of civil procedure to your case, building rapport with the jury during voir dire, telling your client’s story during the opening statement and listening to the opposing side’s case.

CLE on the Biggest Cybersecurity Threat: Human Behavior

In the CLE Tom Kirkham will describe the extent of the cybercrime threat to your law firm, address strategies & trainings and he will conclude by introducing you to the 3-pillar methodology to protect your law firm.  With these strategies that Tom details, you can create a security-first culture that will help your law firm survive and thrive in the face of the cyber pandemic. 

CLE For TikTok Attorneys, Ethics Rules Still Apply

TikTok does not come without ethical concerns for attorneys – especially considering the constraints of attorney advertising rules. In this CLE, Cari Sheehan will detail the ethical issues associated with using social media & TikTok and review some attorney influencer videos to see if their online conduct truly comports with the Rules of Professional Conduct.

CLE on Cognitive Science, Decision-Making and Persuading Your Jury

The Science of Persuasion Can Help Attorneys Get Bigger Verdicts Getting 8 or 9 figure settlements for your clients is not from luck, an accident, or magic. It is not a talent you are born with or a gift that is given to you. It comes from learning the science of persuasion and then discovering how to deploy it in the courtroom.…

New Evidence CLE on Hearsay

Mike will mainly cover the following points on hearsay: Rule 801 & hearsay definitions, forms of non-hearsay and the hearsay exceptions. Mike will also provide numerous memorable hypotheticals so you can think fast on your feet during the trial and practically deploy the Rules of Evidence to your advantage.

Evidence 102 CLE: Testimonial Evidence

Testimonial evidence is a statement made under oath. An example would be a witness pointing to someone in the courtroom and saying, “That’s the guy I saw robbing the grocery store.” Presented by seasoned trial attorney & noted CLE speaker Michael DeBlis III, this third part of our four-part Evidence series will focus on witnesses and testimonial evidence.

Evidence 101 CLE: Relevance & Competence  

In this installment of Mike’s comprehensive Evidence series, he finishes discussing relevance, covers competence and begins discussing witness & testimonial evidence. The main topics covered will be: character evidence in criminal cases, tips for approaching MIMIC evidence, writings & the Best Evidence Rule (BER), competency and lay opinion testimony & expert opinion testimony.

New CLE On Evidence & Relevance

Judges apply the rules of evidence to determine whether to admit or exclude physical evidence, oral testimony & exhibits, and if admitted the jury decides how much weight to afford the evidence. As a starting point, the rules of evidence permit only relevant and trustworthy evidence to be make it in front of the jury. This CLE will focus on specific problems involving logical relevance, character evidence in civil cases and character evidence in criminal cases.

Autism Study Discredited – Major Implications for Vaccine Litigation

Since I wrote the course Autism Litigation some major findings and decisions have been made on the subject. I wanted to include this update so that Attorney Credit’s clients are not left in the dark about the significant new developments surrounding autism litigation in this country. In short, the new findings completely refute the entire link between the mercury-based preservative thimerasol used…