Ethics Codes

CLE on Ethics For TikTok Attorneys

In this CLE, Cari Sheehan will detail the ethical issues associated with using social media & TikTok and review some attorney influencer videos to see if their online conduct truly comports with the Rules of Professional Conduct.  Main topics covered: attorney advertising in a TikTok world, how artificial intelligence can help attorney advertising and ethical rules implicated in advertising on social media platforms.

Civility & Professionalism CLE For the Tik Tok Lawyer

From Letters & Faxes – To Tik Tok & X Only a few years back, lawyers wrote letters, sent faxes and relied on their reputation for integrity & intelligence to gain clients. Nowadays, attorneys send emails, tweet and advertise on Google, Facebook and Tik Tok. Professionalism & Civility in the Legal Profession With the advent attorney advertising in the 1980’s, bar associations…

Should Attorneys Use AI?

AI, or Not to AI? It seems that everyone, including lawyers, are jumping on the AI bandwagon. Just because ChatGPT and Bard are free to use, is AI a smart addition to your day-to-day practice? AI has some advantages, limitations, ethical considerations, and could even get you disbarred. AI can enhance your efficiency by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as legal…

New CLE on the Ethics of Referral Fees

Many attorneys believe that referral fess are unethical — but the reality is that numerous state bars have noted that fee sharing is not only ethical – but it actually leads to better outcomes for clients. Come get cozy with Curt Brown and the rules of professional conduct as he surveys the regulatory frameworks of the ABA and all 50 states so you know the ethical landscape when referring or accepting cases from fellow attorneys in your state and around the country.

New CLE on Attorney Licensure and the Impaired Professional

Lawyers At Risk From darkness and the depths of despair – to recovery and redemption. Unfortunately, Laurie’s struggles with drugs, alcohol and substances are not unique in the legal profession. What is unique is her phoenix-like rise from impairment to the Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers. The Besden Redemption Laurie Besden shares her personal story, and accompanied by Tracy Kepler,…

Fun CLE on Professionalism Lessons From Big Screen Lawyers

From Atticus Finch to Elle Woods For better – or worse – many people’s perceptions of attorneys are based on Elle Woods, Atticus and everybody’s favorite cousin, Vinny. Is there something these fictional characters can teach us about professionalism and achieving higher standards of conduct in our everyday conduct? Lawyer Movies and Public Perception From Philadelphia to The Firm, the movies we…

Succession Planning for Law Firms: CLE On Ethically Dealing with Death or Incapacity

This CLE program taught by Ritzel Starleigh Ngo will provide legal practitioners with a practical framework of an attorney’s ethical obligations to the law firm and clients in the case of the unforeseen. Using the ABA Model Rules as the foundation for the course, Ritzel speaker will discuss pertinent ethical topics when it comes to transferring ownership of your law firm due to death, disability, disappearance and disbarment.

Ethics of Contract Review CLE

From fake real estate transactions to drafting executive compensation packages, there are many intersections between reviewing contracts and the ethical standards of the legal profession. R. Shawn McBride works with business owners all over the country and he knows that things can get a little dicey with your business clients. Shawn will present common everyday scenarios where attorneys run into ethical dilemmas with business clients when reviewing corporate, LLC and small business contracts.