Expert Witness

New Evidence CLE on Hearsay

Mike will mainly cover the following points on hearsay: Rule 801 & hearsay definitions, forms of non-hearsay and the hearsay exceptions. Mike will also provide numerous memorable hypotheticals so you can think fast on your feet during the trial and practically deploy the Rules of Evidence to your advantage.

CLE on Cell Phone Location Evidence for Attorneys

From tracking murder suspects with Facebook Live data – to pointing out mistakes in the state’s location evidence due to bad vector analysis – Eric Grabski will show you how to analyze cell phone location evidence in your legal cases.

New CLE on Proving Military Economic Damage Claims

Both attorneys and former members of the armed services, Dennis and Mike McCarthy will help you to spot the military economic damage claims in your case files and show you how you can establish these often-overlooked economic damages in your cases – from premises liability to auto injuries.

New CLE on Tips for Trial Attorneys

Experienced trial lawyers Jeffrey Kimmel and Joseph Bavaro provide a lively discussion filled with practical points and tips that you can deploy at your next trial. The dynamic duo will mainly discuss gaining credibility by being yourself, practically applying the rules of civil procedure to your case, building rapport with the jury during voir dire, telling your client’s story during the opening statement and listening to the other side’s case.

New CLE on Ethics for Family Law Lawyers

Difficult clients and ethical minefields are lurking everywhere for family law attorneys. In this CLE, Angela Scafuri’s insights will help both new and seasoned family law practitioners to understand the contours of the attorney-client relationship, the problems that arise with difficult clients, client communications and issues involving experts.

New CLE on How to Hire a Forensic Examiner

When hiring a subject matter expert, careful screening is crucial in order to select an expert with superior skills & credibility that will get the best result in front of the judge and jury.

New CLE Course: How Implicit Bias Affects Attorney’s Decision Making

How many questions do you ask before you make important decisions? Do you assume you know what is best for this case and for this client – simply based on all your previous cases? Implicit Bias Are there subconscious forces that impact how you think and how you feel? And how do these hidden forces impact your decision making? This CLE course…