New Mexico CLE

Evidence 101 CLE: Relevance & Competence  

In this installment of Mike’s comprehensive Evidence series, he finishes discussing relevance, covers competence and begins discussing witness & testimonial evidence. The main topics covered will be: character evidence in criminal cases, tips for approaching MIMIC evidence, writings & the Best Evidence Rule (BER), competency and lay opinion testimony & expert opinion testimony.

New CLE On Evidence & Relevance

Judges apply the rules of evidence to determine whether to admit or exclude physical evidence, oral testimony & exhibits, and if admitted the jury decides how much weight to afford the evidence. As a starting point, the rules of evidence permit only relevant and trustworthy evidence to be make it in front of the jury. This CLE will focus on specific problems involving logical relevance, character evidence in civil cases and character evidence in criminal cases.

Welcome To The Digital Age New Mexico – New New Mexico CLE Rules

Exciting news for New Mexico attorneys was recently released by the State Bar of New Mexico. Beginning with the 2024 compliance year, New Mexico attorneys can earn all 12 required CLE credits with on-demand courses. The change allows New Mexico attorneys to take all 12 CLE hours in what New Mexico calls “self-study” courses. Self-study courses must now be pre-approved by the…