All Texas attorneys are required to complete a minimum of 15 accredited CLE hours each compliance cycle. Texas has a 1-year CLE compliance cycle, so that means you need to complete your CLE each year. Your compliance deadline is the last day of the month preceding your birth month and your reporting deadline is the last day of your birth month. Attorney…
Texas CLE Requirements for Attorneys Every active State Bar of Texas member must complete at least 15 hours accredited CLE during each minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) compliance year. Of the 15 required CLE hours a minimum of 3 hours must be in legal ethics/legal professional responsibility. For newly admitted attorneys or additional information, please see our Texas State Requirements page. Texas attorneys must take…
Every active member of the State Bar of Texas must complete a minimum of 15 accredited CLE during each compliance cycle. At least 3 of the hours must be in legal ethics/legal professional responsibility. The remaining 12 can be any accredited CLE course. All Texas CLE courses that Attorney Credits offers are pre-approved and accredited for CLE credit by the State Bar of Texas.…

We provide pre-approved courses in 49 states, delivered on-demand at a great price. Our website is designed to make sure your CLE experience is as convenient, easy and stress free as possible. You can complete courses on desktops, laptops, iPhones & iPads, tablets, smartphones and get certificates instantly as soon as you complete our amazingly awesome CLE courses!

In his trial and appellate practice, David F. Johnson has litigated numerous disputes involving trustee compensation. From violating the self-interest rule to compensation issues with multiple trustees, there are endless pitfalls when it comes to determining the appropriate amount of compensation and upholding your duty of loyalty.

Texas attorneys can complete all 15 required TX CLE hours through online, on-demand CLE courses. This includes the 3 required hours of legal ethics.

The Texas MCLE compliance year is a one year period that begins on the first day of the month you were born. The Texas MCLE compliance ends one year later — on the last day of the month before the month you were born. Texas MCLE Grace Period This grace period runs through the end of the birth month, in which to…

Trial attorney Mark Mermelstein provides you with best practices for getting vital social media evidence admitted at trial, authenticating the electronic evidence, proving its relevance and overcoming hearsay objections. After completing this highly informative & practical course you will understand the legal, practical and ethical implications of using electronic evidence obtained from social media networks and the Internet at trial.

Did you know that you can get all 15 hours of your Texas CLE done in your PJ’s without leaving the house? That’s right, Texas attorneys can take all 15 hours via online and downloadable computer-based CLE programs.

Texas attorneys are the birth month as a grace period in order to comply with the TX MCLE requirements without a penalty. If you do not complete and report at least 15 hours of CLE by the last day of the grace period, you will be in non-compliance.