In his trial and appellate practice, David F. Johnson has litigated numerous disputes involving trustee compensation. From violating the self-interest rule to compensation issues with multiple trustees, there are endless pitfalls when it comes to determining the appropriate amount of compensation and upholding your duty of loyalty.
Determining Trustee Compensation
Can you charge more for smaller trusts? Are full exoneration clauses actually upheld in court? Can the client’s capacity – or lack thereof – serve as grounds to increase trustee compensation?
David will mainly focus on five areas in his one hour discussion: the trustee’s Duty of Loyalty, authority for fiduciary compensation, factors for reasonable compensation and the ramifications for improper compensation. To access the course please click here: Trustee Compensation.
These issues are also covered:
* Standards for trustees
* Common conflicts of interest
* The factors that determine reasonable compensation
* Income & principal trust expenses
* Issues with multiple trustees
* The duty to disclose and settlor & beneficiary agreements
The author of Texas Fiduciary Litigator, David F. Johnson maintains an active trial and appellate practice. He is one of twenty Texas attorneys that has the triple Board Certification in Civil Trial Law, Civil Appellate and Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
This CLE is offered in:
* Alaska (AK)
* Arizona (AZ)
* California (CA)
* Connecticut (CT)
* District of Columbia (DC)
* Illinois (IL)
* Maryland (MD)
* Massachusetts (MA)
* Michigan (MI)
* Missouri (MO)
* New Hampshire (NH)
* New Jersey (NJ)
* New York (NY)
* North Dakota (ND)
* Pennsylvania (PA)
* South Dakota (SD)
Attorney Credits offers CLE for attorneys in Texas and around the country. For more information about CLE in Texas please click the following link: TX CLE.