Tag: online NY CLE

New CLE: The Role of Trial Lawyers in Protecting the Public

When a company equips 11 million of its cars with software to cheat federal emissions tests and standards. When a former star athlete takes his own life at 43 due to a traumatic brain injury suffered while playing in the NFL. And when a terrorist group rams two planes filled with gas into the World Trade Center and into heart of New…

New CLE Course on Avoiding and Obtaining Discovery Sanctions When Dealing with ESI

You’re involved in international litigation representing a local company that sold high tech electronic equipment to an English firm. As soon as discovery starts, the English company claims that four key employees no longer work at the company and they can’t locate their smartphones, laptops and other company devices. With the help of your expert, you eventually realize that all four people…

New CLE on Property Damage & Homeowners Insurance

Many of us have achieved the one of the pinnacles of the American dream, owning our own home. However, even though it’s the most expensive purchase many of us will make, quite a few attorneys and clients fail to understand the basics of the document that protects their investment – their homeowners insurance policy. Floods, Wildfires and Hurricanes In 2017, from floods…

New CLE for Attorneys on Litigating Sexual Harassment Claims in the #MeToo Era

Susan Fowler had tried everything – going to human resources, talking to her managers, transferring departments, but nothing changed. An engineer at Uber, the sexist comments at her toxic workplace just kept coming. So she went online and wrote a 3,000-word blog post exposing the behavior and culture at Uber. Less than one year later, Uber co-founder and C.E.O. Travis Kalanick was…

New CLE: Age Bias Against Younger & Older Attorneys

There are many CLE programs that discuss bias in the legal profession – but many of these programs focus on bias based on race or sex. There are very few programs that tackle the growing issue of age bias in law firms. And it’s not just older attorneys that are being discriminated against because of their age, “millennial” attorneys also face bias…

New CLE on Wyoming Private Trust Companies

What is a Private Trust Company? How does it work? What are the advantages of setting up the PTC in Wyoming? Private trust companies have become an increasingly popular estate planning tool for managing dynastic wealth – but is a Private Trust Company a good fit for your clients? What Is a Private Trust Company? A PTC is a state-chartered entity designed…

New CLE on Copyright, Fair Use & Permission to Use

Copyright protection has become incredibly important for content producers. In our new Digital Age, copyright protected content can be copied, pasted and distributed around the globe in seconds. However, there are many common myths associated with copyright protection, fair use and permission to use copyrighted works. Copyright Protection & Myths Are you guilty of telling one of your clients to put their…

What CLE Courses Do YOU Want To See??

We get extremely busy around the end of the year and through January.  This is due to the fact that a number of states have December 31 deadlines and California has a January 31 deadline.  Once we get through our super busy period, then we switch gears and start calendaring more CLE tapings for the new year. Well, it’s that time of…

CLE on Dealing with Clients and Attorneys with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues

There has been a recent trend in the last few years to place greater emphasis on how substance abuse and mental health issues affects attorneys and the clients they represent. The following specific personality disorders will be discussed: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, avoidant, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dependent, antisocial, histrionic, borderline and narcissistic. In this course, attorney Amy Allemann will address mental health and substance…