Tag: Legal Ethics

CLE on Professionalism & Civility for (Georgia) Attorneys

In this CLE, Ron Daniels turns things around and provides professionalism lessons from lawyers behaving badly. The case examples analyzed: the attorney who pooped in the pringles can, lawyers & unprofessional emails, a defense attorneys unprofessional use of AI, unprofessional conduct at deposition and unprofessional conduct on social media.

New CLE on the Ethics of Referral Fees

Many attorneys believe that referral fess are unethical — but the reality is that numerous state bars have noted that fee sharing is not only ethical – but it actually leads to better outcomes for clients. Come get cozy with Curt Brown and the rules of professional conduct as he surveys the regulatory frameworks of the ABA and all 50 states so you know the ethical landscape when referring or accepting cases from fellow attorneys in your state and around the country.

Legal Ethics CLE on How Technology Has Imprisoned Attorneys

How many times a day do you unlock your smartphone?? 100…. 200… 300 times? Technology and smartphones were supposed to make attorneys’ job easier – but now email and smartphones are the first thing we look at when we get out of bed and the last thing we check before we sleep.

New CLE: Ethical Practice Points for Transactional Attorneys

From structuring million dollar deals to negotiating high level partnership agreements, transactional attorneys must deploy a broad quiver of skills when counseling businesses and the entrepreneurs and executives that start and run them. Ethics for Transactional Attorneys In this highly practical CLE, R. Shawn McBride provides numerous case examples and common sense measures that can be deployed to remain  ethical when working…

FL CLE: 30 CLE Hours or 33 CLE Hours??

The Florida Supreme Court approved a new rule on 1/1/2017 requiring Florida attorneys to complete technology-related CLE courses. If your Florida CLE compliance is due in the next couple years you don’t have to worry about it. FL CLER – Technology Requirement The first Florida attorneys that need to complete 33 hours – including 3 hours of technology – have compliance dates…