
CLE on Implicit Bias for Lawyers

A cognitive shortcut, implicit bias leads to unintended biases regarding race, ethnicity, gender identity and other characteristics and undermines the public’s confidence in the equal application of our laws. In this poignant CLE, civil rights attorney Geeta N. Kapur delves into how implicit bias manifests itself in lawyers and the law – from the courtroom to the tax code.

New CLE on Proving Military Economic Damage Claims

Both attorneys and former members of the armed services, Dennis and Mike McCarthy will help you to spot the military economic damage claims in your case files and show you how you can establish these often-overlooked economic damages in your cases – from premises liability to auto injuries.

CLE on Brown v. Board of Education

While many attorneys know the importance of Brown, not many know the story of how this landmark case arrived at the Supreme Court and the years of legal work that paved the way to one of the most important legal decisions in American jurisprudence. Geeta N. Kapur will tell the story of the fight for equality under law by breaking down the four legal cases that led to Brown v. Board of Education, exploring the five communities that challenged segregation & discrimination in schools and discussing the Brown decision as a landmark in American justice.

New CLE: Toxicology Pearls for Attorneys Drugs and Alcohols in Civil Cases

In this CLE Dr. Allison Muller will introduce key toxicology concepts in civil cases by explaining drug levels & impairment, BAC levels & signs of visible intoxication, common false positives & negatives, and expected effects from common street & prescription drugs.

CLE on Best Ethical Practices for Solo and Small Firm Attorneys Seeking to Raise Their Media Profile

Could a well-timed article pressure opposing counsel to settle? When you file major litigation do you contact the news with a press release? Do you know the ethical boundaries of trial publicity & extrajudicial statements? Presented by Janet Falk, a New York PR expert with over 30 years of experience, this course will present best practices for solo and small firm attorneys seeking to raise their media profile – the ethical way.

New CLE on Vaccine Law: What Employers Need to Know

What if an employee doesn’t want to wear a mask? Will vaccination be mandated… encouraged, incentivized, or facilitated for all employees? What types of incentives like cash bonuses & PTO can employers legally provide? And what the heck is a Vaccine Ambassador? An adjunct professor of Vaccine Law, Brian Abramson will provide some expert guidance for businesses, employers and the attorneys that represent them.

Influence, Persuade and Lead: New CLE for Trial Lawyers

Trial as the ultimate performance art – where human conflict, archetypes & universal truths provide the greatest theatre. From psychological techniques & mental hacks to embracing the stress & being a magnetic leader, Jennifer B. Gardner shares her most poignant courtroom experiences to help you conquer the gauntlet known as trial.