Lawyers At Risk

From darkness and the depths of despair – to recovery and redemption. Unfortunately, Laurie’s struggles with drugs, alcohol and substances are not unique in the legal profession. What is unique is her phoenix-like rise from impairment to the Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers.

The Besden Redemption

Laurie Besden shares her personal story, and accompanied by Tracy Kepler, she will detail how impaired attorneys risk destroying their careers and lives.

Stress, Substance Abuse and Your Law License

Laurie and Tracy will discuss recent studies & statistics, detail the resources provided by state LAPs, instruct attorneys on how to recognize signs of impairment, identify the possible disciplinary implications of an impaired attorneys’ conduct and show you what law firms & attorneys can do about the problem. To access the course please click here: Attorney Licensure and the Impaired Professional.

Issues in this Competence & Substance Abuse CLE:

* Lawyer Assistance Programs (LAPs)

* The Prevalence of Substance Use Among American Attorneys

* Bloomberg Law’s Attorney Workload & Hours study

* The “Stress, Drink, Leave” study

* Tips for helping

* Model Rule 5.1

* Model Rule 1.1

* Model Rule 1.16(a)(2)

* ABA & State Ethics Opinions

* Programs & policies

* Assessments, mentoring, counseling & well-being training

* Making YOURSELF a priority

Lauri Besden, LCL & Tracy Kepler, CNA

Laurie Besden is the Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania, Inc. (LCL). Tracy L. Kepler is a Risk Control Director for CNA’s Lawyers Insurance Program.

This CLE course is offered in the following states:

* Alaska (AK)

* Alabama (AL)

* Arizona (AZ)

* California (CA)

* Connecticut (CT)

* District of Columbia (DC)

* Illinois (IL)

* Maryland (MD)

* Massachusetts (MA)

* Michigan (MI)

* Missouri (MO)

* New Hampshire (NH)

* New Jersey (NJ)

* New York (NY)

* North Dakota (ND)

* Pennsylvania (PA)

* South Dakota (SD)

* Vermont (VT)

Attorney Credits offers CLE courses on substance abuse, competence issues & legal ethics for attorneys in California and around the country. For more information about CLE in California please click the following link: CA CLE.