New Jersey attorneys whose birthday falls between July 1 to December 31, are in Compliance Group 1. You must complete 24 NJ CLE hours by December 31, 2018.
With the expansion of social media and digital advertising – and increasingly more brands turning to novel means to promote their products – the right of publicity has taken on even greater importance. In this CLE course, Rick Kurnit shares his knowledge and experience as he mainly discusses brands, content & advertising in our digital world, how the right of publicity clashes with the First Amendment, advertising vs.editorial content, commercial use and the transformative standard.
Your tweets, Facebook posts and blogs can greatly affect your real world law practice. From discovery to advertising your practice, you must remain ethical in our new social media world.
Yes, your online conduct can get you suspended – or even disbarred. Think twice before you send that nasty tweet to opposing counsel.
Do you know about the 69 changes or revisions made to the California ethics rules and how it will affect your practice?
In You Can’t Change What You Can’t See, the ABA’s comprehensive report on gender bias, the main finding is that gender & racial bias continues to be prevalent in the legal community. Despite all the efforts, we have not made much progress… and now we’re headed into a non-binary future.
Stingrays, GPS and Pings… Oh My!! Yes, recent advances in technology have caused great confusion when it comes to applying the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches by the government. The Fourth Amendment Meets the iPhone In 1926, Learned Hand noted that it is “a totally different thing to search a man’s pockets and use against him what they contain, from ransacking…
North Carolina attorneys have a new requirement in 2019. In addition to the previously required specialty credits, North Carolina attorneys must also now complete 1 hour of technology every year.
Nicole highlights the common pitfalls that cause employers to end up in lawsuits over hiring and she provides highly practical information to help your clients avoid these common issues.
How many questions do you ask before you make important decisions? Do you assume you know what is best for this case and for this client – simply based on all your previous cases? Implicit Bias Are there subconscious forces that impact how you think and how you feel? And how do these hidden forces impact your decision making? This CLE course…