Texas attorneys are the birth month as a grace period in order to comply with the TX MCLE requirements without a penalty. If you do not complete and report at least 15 hours of CLE by the last day of the grace period, you will be in non-compliance.
Trusts are very useful because they split the beneficial enjoyment of trust assets from their legal ownership. Irrevocable Trusts with appointed trust protectors are excellent vehicles for income tax planning and asset protection.
A professional Trustee and Executor, Marguerite Lorenz bases this CLE presentation on the life cycle of an estate plan and suggests ways for you to establish and maintain lasting relationships with your estate planning clients.
You have until the end of the month you were born to complete the 15 required Texas CLE hours without being penalized.
When we started Attorney Credits over 13 years ago, our mission was to provide attorneys with great CLE, at a great price, in a convenient online format. We were the first online CLE Provider to offer “CLE Bundles” at a reasonable price — and many companies have since tried to duplicate our success! Attorney Credits CLE Well, over 1.3 million certificates later,…
Cybersecurity – it’s not just for Bill Gates and computer geeks anymore. Many attorneys now have ethical and legal duties to be compliant with cybersecurity laws and also protect sensitive client information.
In this CLE course, Dr. David Cannon will mainly address the challenges of selecting a jury in a Facebook world, the key social media platforms to search and how to rate your potential jurors.
Cultural Resources are tangible remains of past human activity that provide unique information about past societies and environments. If you are interested in learning more, Michele Fahley details how statutes like NEPA and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) are deployed to protect these important pieces of our history.
If you need some help understanding this area of law, join Austin attorney Brooks Schuelke as he details the basics of uninsured motorist coverage & claims, how to make a claim after the insurance company denies it and how to proceed with the lawsuit. To access the course please click here: Uninsured Motorist Claims – Nuts and Bolts.
Call it the Amazon effect, but states are now coming after businesses that sell goods and services on the Internet to multiple states.