Brush Up On the Latest New York CLE Requirements Experienced Attorneys New York CLE Requirements Every attorney shall complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of CLE during each two-year compliance cycle. At least 4 of these CLE credit hours shall be in either ethics or professionalism. A minimum of 1 hour of diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias and a minimum…

Martin Alperen literally wrote the book on Homeland Security (Foundations of Homeland Security: Law and Policy). He shares his expert insights in this CLE course.

In his trial and appellate practice, David F. Johnson has litigated numerous disputes involving trustee compensation. From violating the self-interest rule to compensation issues with multiple trustees, there are endless pitfalls when it comes to determining the appropriate amount of compensation and upholding your duty of loyalty.

In this CLE, Randall Christison will teach you how to fine tune your legal writing by illustrating common legal writing mistakes, providing examples & exercises and concluding with tips for persuading judges.

Philip King highlights common ethical pitfalls for small law attorneys and provides numerous helpful points to spot and avoid these routine practice traps.

A timely & highly informational CLE program in the times of the coronavirus pandemic. Healthcare attorney & nurse Renee Mallet provides an overview on the key issues & terminology of advance care planning so attorneys can help their clients choose the best options for them and their families.

Trial attorney Mark Mermelstein provides you with best practices for getting vital social media evidence admitted at trial, authenticating the electronic evidence, proving its relevance and overcoming hearsay objections. After completing this highly informative & practical course you will understand the legal, practical and ethical implications of using electronic evidence obtained from social media networks and the Internet at trial.

Many New York attorneys – even experienced ones – have questions about NY CLE compliance. That’s why we created our New York CLE FAQ… so we can help you easily find the information that you need about your NY CLE compliance!

When is my CLE deadline? What is the new Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias CLE requirement? Can I take all 24 NY CLE hours via online CLE courses? Don’t worry we have the answers you need…. and all the New York CLE you need to take! How many hours can an experienced attorney take via online NY CLE Courses? All 24…

Cybersecurity – it’s not just for Bill Gates and computer geeks anymore. Many attorneys now have ethical and legal duties to be compliant with cybersecurity laws and also protect sensitive client information.