When hiring a subject matter expert, careful screening is crucial in order to select an expert with superior skills & credibility that will get the best result in front of the judge and jury.
This current and incredibly entertaining CLE course examines cutting edge copyright and trademark issues while exploring litigation involving Nirvana & Marc Jacobs, Walmart & the Smiley Face and the Fortnite dance litigation.
With the expansion of social media and digital advertising – and increasingly more brands turning to novel means to promote their products – the right of publicity has taken on even greater importance. In this CLE course, Rick Kurnit shares his knowledge and experience as he mainly discusses brands, content & advertising in our digital world, how the right of publicity clashes with the First Amendment, advertising vs.editorial content, commercial use and the transformative standard.
Your tweets, Facebook posts and blogs can greatly affect your real world law practice. From discovery to advertising your practice, you must remain ethical in our new social media world.
Stingrays, GPS and Pings… Oh My!! Yes, recent advances in technology have caused great confusion when it comes to applying the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches by the government. The Fourth Amendment Meets the iPhone In 1926, Learned Hand noted that it is “a totally different thing to search a man’s pockets and use against him what they contain, from ransacking…
To learn about the steps firms and legal organizations can take to create a more level playing field, join Andi Kramer and Al Harris for a thoughtful discussion about overcoming gender bias to create a more successful and profitable law firm.
A passionate advocate for her clients, Ashley Arcidiacono provides key points when analyzing defensive asylum cases and shares strategies and trial tips so you can get the best results for clients trying to prevent removal from the United States.
North Carolina attorneys are required to complete 12 hours of approved NC CLE by December 31. Of the 12 required hours, at least 2 hours must be accredited for legal ethics.
As student load debt has skyrocketed over the last decade — now approaching $1.5 trillion total — many former students have found themselves in default being unable to pay their massive undergraduate and graduate school debt back. To learn more about what you can do to help your clients with defaulted student loans, join Natalie Jean-Baptiste as she discusses potential options for your clients.
Cyberbullying is one of the most vexing problems facing teachers, school employees and school districts. Unfortunately for teachers and school officials who want to punish this conduct, cyberbullying often encroaches into the territory of free speech.