Tag: California CLE

New CLE on Franchise Law & the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)

Franchise law is a specialized area of law that is fairly regulated by both federal law and various state laws. Knowing the intricacies of how franchising and franchise law work can enhance your skill sets as a practitioner and help you better assist your business clients. Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) must include 23 items and it includes…

New CLE on Property Damage & Homeowners Insurance

Many of us have achieved the one of the pinnacles of the American dream, owning our own home. However, even though it’s the most expensive purchase many of us will make, quite a few attorneys and clients fail to understand the basics of the document that protects their investment – their homeowners insurance policy. Floods, Wildfires and Hurricanes In 2017, from floods…

New CLE for Attorneys on Litigating Sexual Harassment Claims in the #MeToo Era

Susan Fowler had tried everything – going to human resources, talking to her managers, transferring departments, but nothing changed. An engineer at Uber, the sexist comments at her toxic workplace just kept coming. So she went online and wrote a 3,000-word blog post exposing the behavior and culture at Uber. Less than one year later, Uber co-founder and C.E.O. Travis Kalanick was…

New CLE on What Women Lawyers Can Do to Combat Bias

There’s a reason that women are sorely unrepresented in upper leadership. America’s workplaces – especially legal offices – are riddled with bias against women leaders. As a result, women seeking to advance in their legal careers face both biases that prevent them from reaching the upper echelon of their firms and careers. Gender Bias in the Legal Profession[1] Female and male attorneys…


Just because a person installs some software on the neighbor’s computer does not make them a digital forensics expert. And when your client is looking at 30 years in prison, this is not the person you want to retain as the digital forensics expert in your next case. Digital Forensics There is a tremendous knowledge gap in our legal system today when…

New CLE: Tell Your Client’s Winning Story

There’s always a greater story hidden behind the rigid surface of your client. As a trial lawyer, it’s your job to be able to find this story, to craft it and then to awaken the jury to your client’s greater story. Tell the Winning Story When you’re facing the jury, you’re a storyteller whether you like it or not. The question is,…

New CLE: Levelling the Playing Field – An Overview of Title IX Litigation

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against discriminatory practices in schools that receive federal funding. Title IX issues include, but are not…

New CLE: Succession Planning for Business Owners

Retiring Baby Boomers will sell or bequeath $10 trillion worth of assets over the next two decades. And many of these assets are held in over 12 million privately owned businesses that will be changing hands over the next few decades. Exit Planning for Business Owners A recent survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that only about 27% of private businesses have done ANY…

New CLE on Copyright, Fair Use & Permission to Use

Copyright protection has become incredibly important for content producers. In our new Digital Age, copyright protected content can be copied, pasted and distributed around the globe in seconds. However, there are many common myths associated with copyright protection, fair use and permission to use copyrighted works. Copyright Protection & Myths Are you guilty of telling one of your clients to put their…