Tag: California CLE

New CLE: Levelling the Playing Field – An Overview of Title IX Litigation

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against discriminatory practices in schools that receive federal funding. Title IX issues include, but are not…

New CLE: Succession Planning for Business Owners

Retiring Baby Boomers will sell or bequeath $10 trillion worth of assets over the next two decades. And many of these assets are held in over 12 million privately owned businesses that will be changing hands over the next few decades. Exit Planning for Business Owners A recent survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that only about 27% of private businesses have done ANY…

New CLE on Copyright, Fair Use & Permission to Use

Copyright protection has become incredibly important for content producers. In our new Digital Age, copyright protected content can be copied, pasted and distributed around the globe in seconds. However, there are many common myths associated with copyright protection, fair use and permission to use copyrighted works. Copyright Protection & Myths Are you guilty of telling one of your clients to put their…

CLE on Dealing with Clients and Attorneys with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues

There has been a recent trend in the last few years to place greater emphasis on how substance abuse and mental health issues affects attorneys and the clients they represent. The following specific personality disorders will be discussed: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, avoidant, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dependent, antisocial, histrionic, borderline and narcissistic. In this course, attorney Amy Allemann will address mental health and substance…

New CLE on Common Ethics Traps for Attorneys

Pick up the phone and call your clients, don’t “borrow” money from trust accounts, calendar every key deadline & date – the same fundamental ethics principles still hold true for the 21st century lawyer. That’s because the same traditional ethics issues continue to plague lawyers, leading to countless ethics violations and malpractice lawsuits. Lawyers & Ethics The same traditional legal ethics issues…

CA CLE: Top California MCLE Myths

We always get SWAMPED this time of year. The phone rings off the hook with procrastinating California attorneys looking to get those 25 required MCLE hours. I am always AMAZED at how many California attorneys don’t have the slightest idea about the CA MCLE requirements. Top California MCLE Myths Participatory credit must be take through live courses. All ethics, bias and competence…

CLE on Big Heart Intelligence in Negotiating, Structuring, Managing, and Resolving Disputes in Collaborative Relationships

Lawyers are involved in collaborative relationships in all aspects of legal life. Lawyers are involved as collaborators when they build their law firms & careers, counsel clients and deal with disputes that arise from these relationships. Big Heart Intelligence & the Law The goal of this program is to dive deeper into the practice of law and the legal profession and offers…