CLE on Best Ethical Practices for Solo and Small Firm Attorneys Seeking to Raise Their Media Profile

Could a well-timed article pressure opposing counsel to settle? When you file major litigation do you contact the news with a press release? Do you know the ethical boundaries of trial publicity & extrajudicial statements? Presented by Janet Falk, a New York PR expert with over 30 years of experience, this course will present best practices for solo and small firm attorneys seeking to raise their media profile – the ethical way.

New CLE: Ethical Practice Points for Transactional Attorneys

From structuring million dollar deals to negotiating high level partnership agreements, transactional attorneys must deploy a broad quiver of skills when counseling businesses and the entrepreneurs and executives that start and run them. Ethics for Transactional Attorneys In this highly practical CLE, R. Shawn McBride provides numerous case examples and common sense measures that can be deployed to remain  ethical when working…

New CLE on The Northstar Divorce: Letting the Kids Guide the Way

The Northstar divorce is predicated on one simple philosophy – that children should guide the divorcing parent’s decisions. Co-parenting coach Carly Israel will provide concrete suggestions and action steps for family law clients to work together when they focus on the physical (and mental) health and well-being of the children.