AI, or Not to AI? It seems that everyone, including lawyers, are jumping on the AI bandwagon. Just because ChatGPT and Bard are free to use, is AI a smart addition to your day-to-day practice? AI has some advantages, limitations, ethical considerations, and could even get you disbarred. AI can enhance your efficiency by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as legal…
Well, since I am heading off to the Padre’s season opener in a few hours with my Dad and brother, I figured I would start this blog with Justice Steven’s link to baseball history. It turns out that Justice Steven’s was in attendance at Wrigley on one of the most famous moments in baseball/American history – the day that Babe Ruth called…
While a judge in Florida may post comments and other material on the pages on a social networking site like Facebook, a judge may not “friend” lawyers who may appear before and may not permit such lawyers to add the judge as their “friend.” This from the latest Florida Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee opinion issued on November 17. I wonder how many…
I received this question from an client: This is my first MCLE course and I was told that I was supposed to receive a compliance card. Is that true? will you notify the state bar? How does that work? I am a little concerned that I will not receive credit. Please let me know what I should do so that I…
A comprehensive list of newly admitted attorney state CLE requirements Congratulations on Passing the Bar! Select your state below to jump to newly admitted CLE requirements specific to your state. Alabama AlaskaArizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii IdahoIllinoisIndiana IowaKansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska NevadaNew HampshireNew Jersey New Mexico New…

Yes, the myths abound when it comes to Nutraceuticals, also known as dietary supplements. Taught by Toxicologist Dr. Allison Muller, this CLE provides insight into dietary supplements & legal claims based on actual legal cases straight from her case files.

Mike Wakshull will introduce you to the neuroscience of unconscious, implicit bias and how this cognitive bias leads to errors during trial. The course will focus on attorney & judge decision-making and implicit bias in forensic sciences and expert witnesses. Mike will conclude by providing potential solutions for attorneys to overcome these hidden biases.

Jacob Stein, a true master of his craft, will explain the nuances & tax consequences of inbound taxation with particular emphasis on how to structure transactions for real estate and cross border joint ventures.

Ohio attorneys are allowed to complete up to 12 hours of the required 24 OH CLE hours through online Ohio CLE courses. The date to complete the required 24 credit hours is December 31 and the deadline to report your OH CLE compliance is January 31.
It’s probably no secret to you that we get extremely busy around the end of the year and through January and into the February. That’s because a number of states have December 31 deadlines and California has a January 31 deadline. As we approach the New Year, we are rounding out our taping schedule for 2018. As we book our last few…