Dietary Supplements & Nutraceuticals in Litigation

If it’s natural… it’s safe. Dietary supplements don’t interact with other drugs. And the labels for dietary supplements will accurately list all ingredients. True or False??

Common Myths Regarding Nutraceuticals

Yes, the myths abound when it comes to Nutraceuticals, also known as dietary supplements. Taught by Toxicologist Dr. Allison Muller, this CLE provides insight into dietary supplements & legal claims based on actual legal cases straight from her case files.

Nutraceuticals for Attorneys

Dr. Muller will mainly: describe the role of the FDA in regulating dietary supplements, compare & contrast adulterants vs. contaminants, list 2 dietary supplement-drug interactions, identify 1 dietary supplement that can cause impairment and explain how dietary supplements can give a positive drug screen result. To access the course please click here: Nutraceuticals: Dietary Supplements for Attorneys.

A Board-Certified Toxicologist, Dr. Muller Will Also Address:

* Non-Drugs

* Homeopathic Treatments

* Pharmacokinetics

* Pharmacodynamics

* The Dietary Supplement Health And Education Act Of 1994 (DSHEA)

* Product Liability

* False Advertising (Mislabeling)

* Workplace Impairment

* Existing Medical Conditions

* Cannabidiols (CBD)

Dr. Allison Muller, Toxicologist

Dr. Allison Muller is a board-certified toxicologist, fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, and registered pharmacist with over 20 years’ experience in the field of clinical toxicology.

This CLE course is offered in the following states:

* Alaska (AK)

* Alabama (AL)

* Arizona (AZ)

* California (CA)

* Connecticut (CT)

* District of Columbia (DC)

* Illinois (IL)

* Maryland (MD)

* Massachusetts (MA)

* Michigan (MI)

* Missouri (MO)

* New Hampshire (NH)

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* New York (NY)

* North Dakota (ND)

* Pennsylvania (PA)

* South Dakota (SD)

* Vermont (VT)

Illinois CLE

Attorney Credits offers CLE for attorneys in Illinois and around the country. For more information about CLE in Illinois please click the following link: IL CLE.