New York MCLE

New CLE on The Northstar Divorce: Letting the Kids Guide the Way

The Northstar divorce is predicated on one simple philosophy – that children should guide the divorcing parent’s decisions. Co-parenting coach Carly Israel will provide concrete suggestions and action steps for family law clients to work together when they focus on the physical (and mental) health and well-being of the children.

New CLE on Pirates, Cowboys & Hooligans: Athlete Agency Law

To say that sports agency is as hyper-competitive as Michael Jordan during a game of H-O-R-S-E… is an understatement. From free groceries to flashy sports cars – sports lore is chock-full of tales of agents breaking laws and behaving badly. Applying these stories – some that are stranger than fiction – lawyers can show their clients concrete examples of the penalties for crossing the ethical and fiduciary bright-line rules in pursuit of that BIG commission.

New CLE for Trustees to Help Avoid Trust Tax Problems

Attorney Tony De Angelo will teach you about issues and omissions in tax and trust practice that he has seen over the past four decades. These are some of the main issues discussed: errors in dealing with various asset types in trusts, timing of liquidation, frequent errors with U.S. Savings Bonds and problems with tax-exempt assets in Irrevocable Trusts.

New CLE for Attorneys: Using Data Driven Decisions to Manage Your Law Firm

In this incredibly practical CLE, Brooke Lively will show you how to make data driven decisions so you can efficiently manage your practice & team and run a profitable law firm. Four key areas are discussed: using data driven decisions to run your firm, the six key metrics to monitor progress, tracking the work production of your attorneys and improving collection rates.