Author page: Jason C

Arizona MCLE: Complete 15 AZ CLE Hours by JUNE 30

Time is running out for Arizona attorneys! Arizona attorneys need to complete the required 15 AZ CLE hours by June 30. Arizona attorneys must also complete 3 ethics hours each annual compliance period. Arizona CLE Deadline June 30 And Arizona attorneys can rest easy — you don’t have to worry about our CLE courses being accepted for CLE credit. We are Approved CLE…

New CLE: Cell Phone Location Evidence for Lawyers

Your client is arrested for robbery. Like everybody that walks into your office, he claims he didn’t do it. He says he was at the park with his kid at the time of the crime. Wisely, you turn to the information stored on his iPhone to show that he was nowhere near the scene of the crime because you can show that…

New CLE: Tell Your Client’s Winning Story

There’s always a greater story hidden behind the rigid surface of your client. As a trial lawyer, it’s your job to be able to find this story, to craft it and then to awaken the jury to your client’s greater story. Tell the Winning Story When you’re facing the jury, you’re a storyteller whether you like it or not. The question is,…

IL CLE: What is the New Professional Responsibility MCLE Requirement?

Illinois attorneys now have a new IL MCLE requirement. Please note that the Professional Responsibility requirement has been modified. All Illinois attorneys are now required to complete a minimum of 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion and 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. New Professional Responsibility Requirement 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance…

New CLE on Wyoming Private Trust Companies

What is a Private Trust Company? How does it work? What are the advantages of setting up the PTC in Wyoming? Private trust companies have become an increasingly popular estate planning tool for managing dynastic wealth – but is a Private Trust Company a good fit for your clients? What Is a Private Trust Company? A PTC is a state-chartered entity designed…

New CLE on Examination of Forensic Documents

One of your favorite business clients hurriedly walks into your office. You can tell by the look on her face that she is quite distressed and she has been crying. When she went to refinance her home, the title company informed her that they wouldn’t be able to help her… because she doesn’t own the home. There’s a quitclaim deed showing that…

IL CLE: Illinois MCLE Reporting Groups

Illinois attorneys must complete a minimum of 30 IL CLE hours every 2 years in order to complete the IL MCLE requirement. In addition, 6 hours must completed in the area of Professional Responsibility – which includes courses in legal ethics, bias & diversity and substance abuse in the legal profession. Your Illinois CLE reporting period depends on the first letter of your last…

Litigating a Slip and Fall Case Against the City: Crumbling Sidewalks & Ruptured Breast Implants

A potential client walks into your office. She was walking down the street to her doctor’s appointment from her condo when she got her toe caught in the uneven sidewalk and fell hard on her chest. Because her arms were outstretched as she fell, her breast implants ruptured when she hit the cement. Does this person have a claim against the city?<br><br>…

New CLE: Levelling the Playing Field – An Overview of Title IX Litigation

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against discriminatory practices in schools that receive federal funding. Title IX issues include, but are not…