Brian S. Quinn was a young lawyer. Fresh out of law school. What started as an exciting day with his mentor at trial – ended with Brian watching his mentor leave the courthouse in a body bag and crushing feelings of Impostor Syndrome.

Brian S. Quinn was a young lawyer. Fresh out of law school. What started as an exciting day with his mentor at trial – ended with Brian watching his mentor leave the courthouse in a body bag and crushing feelings of Impostor Syndrome.
How many times a day do you unlock your smartphone?? 100…. 200… 300 times? Technology and smartphones were supposed to make attorneys’ job easier – but now email and smartphones are the first thing we look at when we get out of bed and the last thing we check before we sleep.
Illinois attorneys must now complete 4 hours of Professional Responsibility, 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion and 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Illinois is a self-reporting state. All Illinois attorneys are required to report compliance, non-compliance or exemptions at the end of the attorney’s 2 year Illinois MCLE reporting period.
If you’re like many Illinois attorneys, you have questions about your IL CLE compliance. That’s why we created our Illinois CLE FAQ – so we can help you easily find the information that you need about your IL MCLE compliance!
Illinois attorneys are now required to take one hour of diversity and inclusion CLE and one hour of mental health and substance abuse during each two-year reporting period.
In addition to 4 hours of Legal Ethics credit, all Illinois attorneys are now required to complete 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion and 1 hour of Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Illinois attorneys now have a new IL MCLE requirement. Please note that the Professional Responsibility requirement has been modified. All Illinois attorneys are now required to complete a minimum of 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion and 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. New Professional Responsibility Requirement 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance…
Illinois attorneys now have a new IL MCLE requirement. Please note that the Professional Responsibility requirement has been modified. All Illinois attorneys are now required to complete a minimum of 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion and 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. New Professional Responsibility Requirement 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance…