Technology has softened the rigid formality of negotiating, forming, enforcing and signing contracts over the last 15 years. In this CLE course, attorney Aaron Cronan will explore some of the most important legal, practical and business implications of technology’s impact on forming a binding contract.
Trusts are very useful because they split the beneficial enjoyment of trust assets from their legal ownership. Irrevocable Trusts with appointed trust protectors are excellent vehicles for income tax planning and asset protection.
A professional Trustee and Executor, Marguerite Lorenz bases this CLE presentation on the life cycle of an estate plan and suggests ways for you to establish and maintain lasting relationships with your estate planning clients.
When we started Attorney Credits over 13 years ago, our mission was to provide attorneys with great CLE, at a great price, in a convenient online format. We were the first online CLE Provider to offer “CLE Bundles” at a reasonable price — and many companies have since tried to duplicate our success! Attorney Credits CLE Well, over 1.3 million certificates later,…
You get a frantic call from an attorney you’ve known since law school. Apparently, a person that she declined to represent left scathing, false reviews with one stars on a number of review websites like Yelp and She is extremely distraught since she relies in the Internet for new clients and she wants your advice on what to do. Handling Online…
This H-2B visa allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers to come to America for a temporary period and perform nonagricultural services or labor on a one-time, seasonal, peak load or intermittent basis.
In this CLE course, Dr. David Cannon will mainly address the challenges of selecting a jury in a Facebook world, the key social media platforms to search and how to rate your potential jurors.
Illinois is a self-reporting state for MCLE purposes. All Illinois attorneys are required to report compliance at the end of the attorney’s 2 year MCLE reporting period. You must report compliance through the Illinois MCLE Board website by July 31
Illinois is a self-reporting state. All Illinois attorneys are required to report compliance, non-compliance or exemptions at the end of the attorney’s 2 year Illinois MCLE reporting period.
The goal of this CLE program is to lay out some of the different people groups that you represent and leave you with a better understanding of Arabic-speaking clients. This course qualifies for Professionalism and Bias credits in numerous states.