Completing your 25 hours of California MCLE… don’t forget to complete at least 4 hours of Legal Ethics, 1 hour of Competence Issues and 1 hour of Elimination of Bias.

Completing your 25 hours of California MCLE… don’t forget to complete at least 4 hours of Legal Ethics, 1 hour of Competence Issues and 1 hour of Elimination of Bias.
Did you know that the NY CLE requirement changed as of July, 1, 2018? New York attorneys are now required to completed 1 hour of Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias each 2 year compliance cycle as part of the 24 required NY CLE hours. New NY CLE Requirement New York attorneys must now complete 1 hour of Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination…
Quick reminder for California attorneys coming up for MCLE compliance in February 2019. The former 1 hour Substance Abuse requirement has been expanded out to include mental health concerns and is now called Competence Issues.[1] CA MCLE Requirements 25 — Total hours 12.5 — Participatory Credit 4 — Legal Ethics 1– Competence Issues 1 — Elimination of Bias California attorneys must make…
Virtually every large law firm and publicly held corporation claims it is committed to gender diversity. Yet, most gender diversity programs have accomplished very little in the way of significant change. 3 Steps to Increase Diversity in Law Firms Progress toward gender diversity depends on three key actions: (1) Specifying specific numerical goals (2) Providing meaningful financial incentives to achieve them (3)…
Illinois attorneys now have a new IL MCLE requirement. Please note that the Professional Responsibility requirement has been modified. All Illinois attorneys are now required to complete a minimum of 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion and 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. New Professional Responsibility Requirement 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance…
There are many CLE programs that discuss bias in the legal profession – but many of these programs focus on bias based on race or sex. There are very few programs that tackle the growing issue of age bias in law firms. And it’s not just older attorneys that are being discriminated against because of their age, “millennial” attorneys also face bias…
There’s a reason that women are sorely unrepresented in upper leadership. America’s workplaces – especially legal offices – are riddled with bias against women leaders. As a result, women seeking to advance in their legal careers face both biases that prevent them from reaching the upper echelon of their firms and careers. Gender Bias in the Legal Profession[1] Female and male attorneys…
We are all biased. There is no way around it. Bias has been hardwired into our brains during our species existence on this planet. Bias stems from a biological survival response triggered by a dangerous or stressful event where a split-second judgement is required as part of the flight or fight response. Unconscious Bias Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups…
Under the CA MCLE Rules, California attorneys are required to complete 25 hours CA MCLE every 3 years. Of those 25 required CA CLE hours, attorneys must complete at least 12.5 hours for participatory credit. OR put another way you CANNOT complete more than 12.5 hours of self-study credit.[1] CA MCLE Requirement – Specialty Credits 4 Legal Ethics 1 Competence Issues 1…