Are You Not Entertained – The Secrets of Successful Trial Lawyers
Successful trial lawyers know how to overcome short attention spans & downright apathy to connect with the jurors and get the best results in the courtroom.
Jurors, the CSI Effect & 60 Minute Trials
Yes, a trial takes longer than 60 minutes to wrap up. You can blame shows like Suits, CSI, Bull and Law & Order for the reason that most people – and almost all jurors – have an unrealistic view of trial & the courtroom. And YES, a juror really asked me if the trial will take 60 minutes.
Common Sense Tips For Trial Attorneys in the Courtroom
Experienced New York trial lawyers Jeffrey Kimmel and Joseph Bavaro provide a lively, practical discussion filled with common sense points & tips that you can easily deploy at your next trial. The dynamic duo will mainly discuss gaining credibility by being yourself, practically applying the rules of civil procedure to your case, building rapport with the jury during voir dire, telling your client’s story during the opening statement and listening to the opposing side’s case. To access this Implicit Bias CLE course please click here: Personal Injury Cases: Trial Tips and Techniques.
Further topics in this CLE for Trial Lawyers:
* Using buzz words
* Developing your own style
* Doing what works for you
* Avoiding being too stiff in the opening
* Keeping the jury’s attention
* Tips for direct & cross examination
Jeffrey M. Kimmel, Esq. & Joseph S. Bavaro, Esq., Trial Attorneys
Jeffrey M. Kimmel is highly regarded for his fierce litigation style and persistent drive to achieve optimal results for his clients. With over 30 years of legal experience, Joseph S. Bavaro is an invaluable advocate for his clients.
This CLE course is offered in the following states:
* Alaska (AK)
* Alabama (AL)
* Arizona (AZ)
* California (CA)
* Connecticut (CT)
* District of Columbia (DC)
* Illinois (IL)
* Maryland (MD)
* Massachusetts (MA)
* Michigan (MI)
* Missouri (MO)
* New Hampshire (NH)
* New Jersey (NJ)
* New York (NY)
* North Dakota (ND)
* Pennsylvania (PA)
* South Dakota (SD)
* Vermont (VT)
California CLE
Attorney Credits offers trial law CLE for attorneys in California and around the country. For more information about CLE in California please click the following link: CA CLE.