Landlords & Tenants: Commercial Office Leases
A new roof? A new elevator? If a landlord buys and hangs a giant oil painting of President Trump in the lobby can the landlord pass through the cost to tenants? These are just some of the important questions to ask & practical points to consider before signing an office lease.
Important Clauses and Practical Aspects of Commercial Office & Retail Leases
While the legal landscape of negotiating commercial office leases is constantly evolving, many of the same issues continue to arise for landlords & tenants. This CLE focuses on important clauses and practical aspects of commercial office & retail leases.
Triple Net, CAMs & Exclusions
In this CLE, Grant & Todd will share their wisdom gleaned from years of experience in the Southern California commercial real estate market and they will mainly cover: the basic provisions of standard triple net office lease, Common Area Maintenance (CAMs) expenses & exclusions and often overlooked contractual & practical aspects of the lease. To access the course please click here: Key Clauses and Practical Aspects of Commercial Office Leases.
Additional Real Estate CLE Subjects:
* SNDA Agreements (subordination, non-disturbance & attornment)
* BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) & measuring base rents
* Using CPI language
* Lease terms
* Tenants & flexibility
* Landlords & certainty
* Defining common areas
* Exclusions from Common Area costs
* Work letters & tenant improvements
* Force Majeure clauses
* Issues arising out of assignment & subletting
Real Estate Experts & CLE Speakers
A partner at Duane Morris, Grant Puleo, Esq., focuses his practice on a wide variety of real estate, finance and business transactions. Todd Bulich, Esq., is the President of the Todd Bulich Real Estate Company, Inc., which exclusively represents top-tier law firms with respect to their commercial property.
This CLE course is offered in the following states:
* Alaska (AK)
* Alabama (AL)
* Arizona (AZ)
* California (CA)
* Connecticut (CT)
* District of Columbia (DC)
* Illinois (IL)
* Maryland (MD)
* Massachusetts (MA)
* Michigan (MI)
* Missouri (MO)
* New Hampshire (NH)
* New Jersey (NJ)
* New York (NY)
* North Dakota (ND)
* Pennsylvania (PA)
* South Dakota (SD)
* Vermont (VT)
California CLE
Attorney Credits offers real property CLE for attorneys in California and around the country. For more information about CLE in California please click the following link: CA CLE.