The Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale indicates that divorce is the second highest stressor for humans, second only to the death of a spouse. What if there was an easy way for family law attorneys to reduce their client’s emotion, anxiety, guilt and embarrassment that comes with divorce?
Welcome to the post-pandemic world, where stressors were exposed and amplified, and as a result mental healthcare is a hot topic. As highlighted in the Attorney Credits’ CLE course When Enough Isn’t Enough: Eating, Sex and Exercise Disorders by Brian Quinn, Esq., the very traits that make lawyers and judges great can also manifest into unhealthy habits. Mental illness in law careers…
Remote Alaska Fire Loss – Insurance Claim There is a large remote fire loss in Alaska that takes 1-2 days of travel once you’re off the plane. Just as you arrive with your team, you get a text message that one of the parties will not be able to attend and wants to reschedule. What do you do? Using Lidar and Photogrammetry…
The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) An investment policy statement (IPS) is a document drafted between a portfolio manager and a client that outlines general rules for the manager. The IPS provides the general investment goals & objectives of a client and describes the strategies that the manager should employ to meet these objectives The IPS: An Important Part of the Estate Planning…
Law Firms and Businesses Big & Small Are Missing Out on Thousands of Dollars – Is Yours One of Them?
Seasoned San Diego tax attorney Sam Brotman explains in his CLE course The Truth About The Employee Retention Credit that a shocking amount of businesses are leaving $100,000’s on the table thanks to myths, misconceptions, and poorly communicated guideline changes from the IRS since the inception of the credit in 2021 due to COVID.
From Atticus Finch to Elle Woods For better – or worse – many people’s perceptions of attorneys are based on Elle Woods, Atticus and everybody’s favorite cousin, Vinny. Is there something these fictional characters can teach us about professionalism and achieving higher standards of conduct in our everyday conduct? Lawyer Movies and Public Perception From Philadelphia to The Firm, the movies we…
For California MCLE Compliance Group 3 (N-Z) for the period ending on January 31, 2023, California attorneys must complete at least two hours dealing with elimination of bias. Of the two hours, at least one hour must focus on implicit bias and the promotion of bias-reducing strategies.
Did you know that the patent for solar cells dates back to the 1880s? Or that Piggly Wiggly was extremely groundbreaking and changed the way we shop? And there would be no GPS without the beautiful actress Hedy Lamarr’s inventions!! From vulcanized rubber to the iPhone, Eric Hanscom and Dave Branfman provide an insightful glimpse into 10 patents that shaped the world we live in today.
Brian S. Quinn was a young lawyer. Fresh out of law school. What started as an exciting day with his mentor at trial – ended with Brian watching his mentor leave the courthouse in a body bag and crushing feelings of Impostor Syndrome.
This CLE program taught by Ritzel Starleigh Ngo will provide legal practitioners with a practical framework of an attorney’s ethical obligations to the law firm and clients in the case of the unforeseen. Using the ABA Model Rules as the foundation for the course, Ritzel speaker will discuss pertinent ethical topics when it comes to transferring ownership of your law firm due to death, disability, disappearance and disbarment.