Every case has bad facts. But should you deal with it only after the opponent introduces it at trial – or is it better to “inoculate” the jury against the bad facts by first introducing it in a weakened form? While the conventional wisdom states that inoculating the jury at an early stage is the preferred approach, in the past 20 years…
You’re away on business and before you head off to bed you text your wife “good night honey, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” The next day your wife gets a call from Corky’s Pest Control offering their services to help with your bed bug problem. Yes, Big Brother is watching… and listening… and tracking. But it’s not just the government and…
You’re involved in international litigation representing a local company that sold high tech electronic equipment to an English firm. As soon as discovery starts, the English company claims that four key employees no longer work at the company and they can’t locate their smartphones, laptops and other company devices. With the help of your expert, you eventually realize that all four people…
Have you checked out the Attorney Credits YouTube channel yet??? We recently started a new monthly webinar series that can help you with the business side of running a law firm. Once we record the webinar we then make it available on our YouTube channel. We thought this could be a helpful FREE resource for you! We also thought that you could benefit…