New York MCLE

New CLE on Individual 401k Management for Attorneys

A Registered Investment Adviser, Ric Lager works with attorneys and law firms to help maximize the value of their retirement investments. In this CLE he will primarily address: selecting a plan, simple IRAs vs. SEPs vs. individual 401(k) plans, the challenges legal professionals face when investing and 401(k) management pitfalls & practice points

eDiscovery Challenges in a SaaS World: Slack, WhatsApp and More.

When it comes to today’s eDiscovery, businesses and attorneys are surprised to find that much of the ESI and data now collected comes from apps and SaaS such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), DropBox, WhatsApp, Slack and many more – instead of traditional data forms such as emails, PDFs and .docs.

New CLE on Bias in the Legal System: True Stories From the Courtroom

Expert witness Michael Wakshull has studied bias for years and sees these implicit biases manifest in every courtroom he testifies in. In this thought-provoking presentation, Mike will mainly discuss the six types of bias as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary, common types of bias in the courtroom, human error & overcoming bias in the courtroom.