What are the Georgia CLE Rules? In Georgia, all active, non-exempts members who aren’t part of the Transition into Law Practice Program must complete Georgia MCLE. As part of the Georgia CLE Rules require that each attorney to complete a minimum of 12 CLE hours including 1 ethics hour, 1 professionalism hour and trial attorneys are required to complete 3 trial hours.…
What is the South Carolina CLE Requirement? The Supreme Courst of South Carolina adopted the mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) program in 1982. South Carolina rules require all active South Carolina attorneys to complete a minimum of 14 credit hours. At least 2 of these hours must focus on Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility (LEPR). Every 2 reporting years, attorneys must also…
Montana CLE Requirements All active Montana attorneys are required to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of Montana CLE during each reporting year. Of the 15 credit hours, a minimum of 2 must be earned from programs on professional fitness and integrity (PFI) , which includes: professional responsibility and ethics, fitness to practice, or activities on acknowledging and advancing the elimination…
March 2024 North Carolina CLE Requirements – New Rules In March 2024 North Carolina transitioned to a new set of CLE rules. These new rules apply to all active North Carolina attorneys. The new North Carolina CLE requirements are a two-year reporting cycle that requires a minimum of 24 hours of North Carolina CLE credit hours. Of the 24 hours, at least…
What is a California Paralegal and what are the requirements for a California Paralegal CLE? (a) A California Paralegal is qualified by education, training, or work experience, that either contracts with an attorney, law firm, corporation, governmental agency, or other entity, who performs substantial legal work under the direction and supervision of an active member of the State Bar of California, an…
Mandatory Colorado CLE Compliance Reporting Period Colorado attorneys have a mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) requirement for all lawyers under 72. The Colorado CLE requirement is 45 credit hours of CLE, of which 7 must be professional responsibility. Of the 7 hours of professional responsibility at least two must be in the area of equity, diversity, and inclusivity. To avoid late fees…
Indiana CLE for Experienced Attorneys In the state of Indiana, the Indiana Commission for Continuing Education oversees enforcing Indiana CLE Requirements and Rules. The mandatory continuing legal education requirements can be found in Rule 29 of the Rules for Admission to the Bar and Discipline of Attorneys. In 1986 Indiana became the 18th state to require attorneys to complete CLE. Every Indiana…
Pending approval by the Board of Trustees (Approved) the new California MCLE compliance dates are changing to March. The attorney renewal cycle will open February 1, 2025, and close March 30, 2025. The new California MCLE compliance dates will apply to the current compliance cycle and all future MCLE compliance cycles. MCLE Compliance Cycle Date Changes Last names A-G: Extended to a…
In Georgia, CLE regulation operates under the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) is required annually in Georgia. The Georgia CLE Requirements are a minimum of 12 credit hours each year. Of the required 12 credit hours at least 1.0 credit hours are required in ethics and at least 1.0 credit hours in professionalism are required. If you are…
California has a new bar exam! The California Supreme Court, on Tuesday October 22, 2024, overturned their previous denial and has given the approval for California to switch to a new bar exam that can be taken remotely and in-person. The State Bar of California has been working on the new test for over a year, and on the second try, the…