Pennsylvania August CLE Deadline Approaching

Pennsylvania has three annual CLE deadlines, April 30, August 31, and December 31. If you are in compliance group 2, your CLE deadline is only two weeks away. Compliance group 1 has a April 30 CLE deadline and compliance group 3 has a December 31 CLE deadline.

Pennsylvania requires a minimum of 12 CLE credits each year, of which a minimum of 2 must be in ethics, professional responsibility, or substance abuse. Of the 12, at least 6 must be live CLE.

Attorney Credits currently offers on demand CLE for PA and has several options for Pennsylvania 6 credit hour CLE bundles.

If you law firm needs CLE, consider Teams by Attorney Credits. Teams is an affordable customized and fully managed (by us) solution for your lawyers to get CLE. Simplify your firm’s CLE with Teams by Attorney Credits.

Are you tired and overwhelmed by CLE accreditation? Consider letting the CLE experts at Attorney Credits handle all your CLE accreditation. We are a nationwide CLE provider with extensive experience in CLE accreditation and we have state relationships.  If you want to get your CLE accreditation expenses under control and do what you do best, contact us at and let us take over your CLE accreditation.