Pennsylvania has three annual CLE deadlines, April 30, August 31, and December 31. If you are in compliance group 2, your CLE deadline is only two weeks away. Compliance group 1 has a April 30 CLE deadline and compliance group 3 has a December 31 CLE deadline. Pennsylvania requires a minimum of 12 CLE credits each year, of which a minimum of…

Brian S. Quinn was a young lawyer. Fresh out of law school. What started as an exciting day with his mentor at trial – ended with Brian watching his mentor leave the courthouse in a body bag and crushing feelings of Impostor Syndrome.

Group III attorney in Pennsylvania must complete 12 PA CLE hours by December 31. PA attorneys are allowed to complete 6 Pennsylvania CLE hours via online and downloadable video & audio courses
Pennsylvania attorneys must complete at least 12 PA CLE hours each year, including 2 hours of legal ethics. Pennsylvania attorneys in Compliance Group II must complete the 12 required Pennsylvania CLE hours by August 31. PA CLE – Group II Deadline Group II deadline is August 31 The PA CLE Board keeps a record of your CLE compliance and will inform you of…
How many PA CLE hours do I need to complete each year? How many ethics hours are required? When do I report my Pennsylvania CLE compliance? Do CLE providers report my completed courses for me? Top Pennsylvania CLE Questions What are the mandatory CLE requirements in Pennsylvania? 12 hours each compliance period Including 2 hours of legal ethics, professionalism or substance abuse…