The Texas MCLE grace period runs through the end of the birth month – in which to complete and report MCLE hours for that compliance year.

The Texas MCLE grace period runs through the end of the birth month – in which to complete and report MCLE hours for that compliance year.
The Texas MCLE compliance year is a one year period that begins on the first day of the month you were born. The Texas MCLE compliance ends one year later — on the last day of the month before the month you were born. Texas MCLE Grace Period This grace period runs through the end of the birth month, in which to…
Did you know that you can get all 15 hours of your Texas CLE done in your PJ’s without leaving the house? That’s right, Texas attorneys can take all 15 hours via online and downloadable computer-based CLE programs.
Texas attorneys are the birth month as a grace period in order to comply with the TX MCLE requirements without a penalty. If you do not complete and report at least 15 hours of CLE by the last day of the grace period, you will be in non-compliance.
You have until the end of the month you were born to complete the 15 required Texas CLE hours without being penalized.
Texas attorneys are required to complete 15 hours every year to meet the Texas MCLE requirement and remain eligible to practice law. It is also your responsibility to make sure your mandatory TX CLE hours are accurately and timely reported to the State Bar of Texas. Texas CLE Reporting You are automatically given your birth month as a grace period to comply…
Texas attorneys must complete at least 15 hours of CLE during each TX MCLE compliance year. The Texas CLE compliance year is a one-year period. That period starts on the first day of the month you were born — and the compliance year ends one year later on the last day of the month that precedes the month you were born. Texas…