North Carolina attorneys must complete 12 hours of NC CLE by December 31. Of the 12 required hours, at least 2 hours must be accredited for legal ethics.

North Carolina attorneys must complete 12 hours of NC CLE by December 31. Of the 12 required hours, at least 2 hours must be accredited for legal ethics.
North Carolina attorneys have a new requirement in 2019. In addition to the previously required specialty credits, North Carolina attorneys must also now complete 1 hour of technology every year.
North Carolina attorneys did you REPORT your CLE compliance yet??? Please note that Wednesday, February 28, 2018, is the deadline to return the 2017 Annual Report Form and fulfill your reporting obligation. You can file your Annual Report form online at OR you can download the form and mail it in.[1] North Carolina CLE Reporting Deadline File your 2017 Annual CLE…