From dischargeability issues to how the bankruptcy will be filed in court, consumer bankruptcy cases present many novel issues for new and non-bankruptcy attorneys.

From dischargeability issues to how the bankruptcy will be filed in court, consumer bankruptcy cases present many novel issues for new and non-bankruptcy attorneys.
The goal of bankruptcy is the discharge – when the debtor is released from personal liability for certain specified types of debts. Unfortunately, your client may commit certain actions that can prevent them from discharging their debt due to Bankruptcy Code Section 727(a).
Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9011 provides that all documents within its scope require the lawyer’s certification of proper purpose, warranted by law or a non-frivolous argument for extension or reversal of the law, and evidentiary factual support.
North Carolina attorneys are required to complete 12 hours of approved NC CLE by December 31. Of the 12 required hours, at least 2 hours must be accredited for legal ethics.