So You Wanna Be an HOA Board Member?? In this CLE, Nikki Semanchik will teach you what you need to know about serving on a Board, from your initial homework & due diligence to your ethical duties & avoiding conflicts of interest.

So You Wanna Be an HOA Board Member?? In this CLE, Nikki Semanchik will teach you what you need to know about serving on a Board, from your initial homework & due diligence to your ethical duties & avoiding conflicts of interest.
Presented by Michael Needleman, this CLE is designed to introduce key concepts of conducting a deposition and then provide deeper practical insights into FRCP Rule 30.
This CLE program taught by Ritzel Starleigh Ngo will provide legal practitioners with a practical framework of an attorney’s ethical obligations to the law firm and clients in the case of the unforeseen. Using the ABA Model Rules as the foundation for the course, Ritzel speaker will discuss pertinent ethical topics when it comes to transferring ownership of your law firm due to death, disability, disappearance and disbarment.
In this CLE course, Evan Stweart will discuss a number of case examples and practical everyday situations so you can better understand the similarities and differences between the privilege doctrine, the work product doctrine and confidentiality. To access these courses please click here: The Attorney-Client Privilege, Work Product Doctrine and Confidentiality.