Exciting news for New Mexico attorneys was recently released by the State Bar of New Mexico. Beginning with the 2024 compliance year, New Mexico attorneys can earn all 12 required CLE credits with on-demand courses. The change allows New Mexico attorneys to take all 12 CLE hours in what New Mexico calls “self-study” courses. Self-study courses must now be pre-approved by the New Mexico State Bar for CLE credit and be reported to the state by the provider. This means, attorneys can no longer self-report self-study credits.
Attorney Credits only offers pre-approved New Mexico CLE courses and reports attendance weekly to New Mexico. Attorney Credits is now able to offer full New Mexico CLE Compliance Bundles since attorneys can now take all their required 12 CLE credit hours online.
Another change approved for 2024 and beyond is the requirement for a minimum of 1 credit hour of Equity in Justice (EIJ) each compliance period. Of the minimum 12 required CLE credit hours, at least 2 hours must be in Ethics (EP) credits and at least 1 hour of Equity in Justice (EIJ) credit.
Further information and links can be found on our New Mexico CLE State Requirements page. Are you part of a law firm? If so, our Teams by Attorney Credits may be of interest. Attorney Credits is a nationwide provider of CLE with attorneys taking more than 3 million credit hours. If you are new to Attorney Credits, we offer a Free 7-Day Trial with no credit card required. Take our site for a no obligation test drive and learn how easy completing your CLE can be. With live chat and US based customer service members, we are here to help you complete your CLE.