Presented by Michael Needleman, this CLE is designed to introduce key concepts of conducting a deposition and then provide deeper practical insights into FRCP Rule 30.

Presented by Michael Needleman, this CLE is designed to introduce key concepts of conducting a deposition and then provide deeper practical insights into FRCP Rule 30.
The drug trade and globalization has led to more dirty money flowing into the U.S. and lawyers unwittingly taking part in money laundering. Timothy Dunfey will teach you the risks & red flags of money laundering for attorneys and how to protect yourself, your clients and your law firm from being used as a laundromat.
Chris Howard counsels his clients with practical information to help avoid some of the common pitfalls that can trip up franchisees. Chris will mainly discuss: Terminology & Key Documents, the Regulatory Framework, Key Items in the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) and How to Review a Franchise Agreement.
The reality is that many attorneys have no clue about cold wallets, decentralized exchanges and Bored Apes. Further, crypto is also one of the easiest ways to hide money for a tech savvy spouse. In this CLE Kelly Burris will discuss valuing unusual assets like collectibles, handling mineral rights and finding & dealing with cryptocurrency in divorce cases.
In November 2022, the FDNY reported 191 fires, 140 injuries and 6 deaths from lithium-ion fires in the city. Presented by Brad Davis, professional engineer & expert witness, this CLE presentation will provide an overview of the investigation process following a battery failure or a failure of a battery-powered device. Brad will mainly talk about: battery basics, battery types, history of development, what can go wrong and he will finish by presenting four actual case studies with videos.
Many attorneys believe that referral fess are unethical — but the reality is that numerous state bars have noted that fee sharing is not only ethical – but it actually leads to better outcomes for clients. Come get cozy with Curt Brown and the rules of professional conduct as he surveys the regulatory frameworks of the ABA and all 50 states so you know the ethical landscape when referring or accepting cases from fellow attorneys in your state and around the country.
Yes, many clients just want you to reach into your files and fire off that demand letter before it’s happy hour on Friday. But is that the best approach for this client? Like Ted Lasso said, “be curious” and know the right questions to ask your client before initiating that first blow of litigation.
The Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale indicates that divorce is the second highest stressor for humans, second only to the death of a spouse. What if there was an easy way for family law attorneys to reduce their client’s emotion, anxiety, guilt and embarrassment that comes with divorce?
Welcome to the post-pandemic world, where stressors were exposed and amplified, and as a result mental healthcare is a hot topic. As highlighted in the Attorney Credits’ CLE course When Enough Isn’t Enough: Eating, Sex and Exercise Disorders by Brian Quinn, Esq., the very traits that make lawyers and judges great can also manifest into unhealthy habits. Mental illness in law careers…
In this Veterinary Malpractice CLE, animal law attorney Cheryl Nolan will discuss the hallmarks of dog & animal law, types of claims, theories of liability, small claims vs. the veterinarian board and case development.