Until further notice, all 24 credit hours for the compliance period may be fulfilled through approved courses offered in alternative verifiable learning formats.
What exactly does it mean to practice with professionalism on an everyday basis? Trial attorney Ron Daniels explores what Professionalism means for Georgia attorneys by analyzing the history of professionalism in the Georgia Bar and highlighting specific examples of professional & unprofessional conduct.
Georgia attorneys completing late CLE compliance must finish all required hours by March 31. For late 2019 compliance Georgia attorneys may complete all 12 required hours through online Georgia CLE courses.
When we think of a case with thousands (or possibly millions) of documents, many of us think of one word: B-O-R-I-N-G.
Expert witness Michael Wakshull has studied bias for years and sees these implicit biases manifest in every courtroom he testifies in. In this thought-provoking presentation, Mike will mainly discuss the six types of bias as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary, common types of bias in the courtroom, human error & overcoming bias in the courtroom.
Texas attorneys can complete all 15 required TX CLE hours through online, on-demand CLE courses. This includes the 3 required hours of legal ethics.
Have you ever had a terrible client that made your life miserable? It probably was not you that was the problem – more than likely it was probably the client or the opposing counsel’s high conflict personality (HCP) that was the issue.
The Texas MCLE compliance year is a one year period that begins on the first day of the month you were born. The Texas MCLE compliance ends one year later — on the last day of the month before the month you were born. Texas MCLE Grace Period This grace period runs through the end of the birth month, in which to…
New York Attorneys can complete all 24 required online CLE hours via streaming audio & video and downloadable audio & video CLE courses. This includes the requirement to complete 4 hours of legal ethics and 1 hour of Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias.
In this CLE course Randall Christison will mainly discuss speedwriting tips, solutions & approaches to streamline your legal writing and the main speedwriting methods, including freewriting, clustering and story line.