Franchise law is a specialized area of law that is fairly regulated by both federal law and various state laws. Knowing the intricacies of how franchising and franchise law work can enhance your skill sets as a practitioner and help you better assist your business clients. Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) must include 23 items and it includes…
Just because a person installs some software on the neighbor’s computer does not make them a digital forensics expert. And when your client is looking at 30 years in prison, this is not the person you want to retain as the digital forensics expert in your next case. Digital Forensics There is a tremendous knowledge gap in our legal system today when…
A wife is murdered in her own home. The husband claims he tried to stop the intruder but the large man over powered him and tied him up to a chair. But the wife’s Fitbit tells a different version of the story than the tale that the husband presents. As the police investigate the case and harness the digital information created by…
Copyright protection has become incredibly important for content producers. In our new Digital Age, copyright protected content can be copied, pasted and distributed around the globe in seconds. However, there are many common myths associated with copyright protection, fair use and permission to use copyrighted works. Copyright Protection & Myths Are you guilty of telling one of your clients to put their…