California attorneys must complete 25 hours every 3 years.

California attorneys must complete 25 hours every 3 years.
A passionate advocate for her clients, Ashley Arcidiacono provides key points when analyzing defensive asylum cases and shares strategies and trial tips so you can get the best results for clients trying to prevent removal from the United States.
Completing your 25 hours of California MCLE… don’t forget to complete at least 4 hours of Legal Ethics, 1 hour of Competence Issues and 1 hour of Elimination of Bias.
California attorneys with last names A-G must complete and report 25 CA MCLE hours by February 1, 2019.
North Carolina attorneys are required to complete 12 hours of approved NC CLE by December 31. Of the 12 required hours, at least 2 hours must be accredited for legal ethics.
As student load debt has skyrocketed over the last decade — now approaching $1.5 trillion total — many former students have found themselves in default being unable to pay their massive undergraduate and graduate school debt back. To learn more about what you can do to help your clients with defaulted student loans, join Natalie Jean-Baptiste as she discusses potential options for your clients.
Melody Kramer will provide insight on how you can provide value to your business clients by helping to draft collaboration agreements for small business and startup companies. Melody will mainly address preparing the client, due diligence before drafting, discussing the legal framework with clients and key considerations when drafting the collaboration agreement. To access the course please click here: Drafting Collaboration Agreements for Small Businesses and Startups.
Cyberbullying is one of the most vexing problems facing teachers, school employees and school districts. Unfortunately for teachers and school officials who want to punish this conduct, cyberbullying often encroaches into the territory of free speech.
Call it the Amazon effect, but states are now coming after businesses that sell goods and services on the Internet to multiple states.
This CLE course is designed for attorneys new to family law practice or experienced attorneys from other practices that need to understand the family court system and how a case proceeds.