California MCLE

California Inverse Condemnation Law – Waterworld

Inverse condemnation in California is a nebulous area of law that involves constitutional claims, tort law and public entity immunity. The case law is murky and in the wake of the recently decided City of Oroville, property owners now face a much tougher road in these cases. California Inverse Condemnation CLE Evan Walker handles inverse condemnation cases in California. In this CLE…

New CLE on Professionalism in Court & Depositions

While we practice in an adversarial legal system, attorneys are still under a duty to conduct themselves in a civil and professional manner. This CLE course will analyze the ethical rules mandating civilized & professional behavior, provide case examples of unprofessional behavior and present some of the unintended consequences of uncivilized behavior.

Online CLE For Attorneys

When we started Attorney Credits over 13 years ago, our mission was to provide attorneys with great CLE, at a great price, in a convenient online format. We were the first online CLE Provider to offer “CLE Bundles” at a reasonable price — and many companies have since tried to duplicate our success! Attorney Credits CLE Well, over 1.3 million certificates later,…