Every active member of the State Bar of Texas must complete a minimum of 15 accredited CLE during each compliance cycle. At least 3 of the hours must be in legal ethics/legal professional responsibility. The remaining 12 can be any accredited CLE course.
All Texas CLE courses that Attorney Credits offers are pre-approved and accredited for CLE credit by the State Bar of Texas. Having accredited courses allows you to complete all 15 credit hours online.
Did you know that Attorney Credits even reports your completed CLE to the State Bar of Texas? Our automated reports run every Monday and on the first of each month. This means that you don’t need to self-report your CLE unless you complete a CLE course after Sunday of the last week of the month. If you complete a course in the last week of the month in which your CLE is due, you will need to self-report.
In Texas it is the attorney’s responsibility to make sure their mandatory CLE hours are accurately and timely reported. Failure to timely report will result in monetary penalties. You will get an Annual Verification Report about eight weeks prior to your birth month. If the report indicates that you have completed the minimum CLE requirements, no further action is required.
If you haven’t completed your minimum Texas CLE requirements by the last day of your compliance year, and have them reported, you will get a reminder notice at the beginning of the birth month grace period.
The State Bar of Texas will give you a one-month (birth month) grace period to complete your CLE requirement without a penalty. If you fail to complete and report, at a minimum, your CLE requirement by the last day of the grace period you will be in non-compliance and subject to a monetary penalty.
Remember that Attorney Credits reports your completed Texas CLE on Monday and the first of each month. You will need to self-report if our automated reporting will be after your grace period. Regardless of when we report, you should also check your account to make sure everything has been reported before your deadline at My Bar Page.
Attorney Credits offers Texas Compliance Bundles, Custom Bundles, Unlimited Credits, and individual courses.