In this CLE course Cheryl Nolan will provide you with the highlights of animal law practice, what keeps Animal Law lawyers up at night and important practice tips.
Trial attorney Mark Mermelstein provides you with best practices for getting vital social media evidence admitted at trial, authenticating the electronic evidence, proving its relevance and overcoming hearsay objections. After completing this highly informative & practical course you will understand the legal, practical and ethical implications of using electronic evidence obtained from social media networks and the Internet at trial.
Technology has softened the rigid formality of negotiating, forming, enforcing and signing contracts over the last 15 years. In this CLE course, attorney Aaron Cronan will explore some of the most important legal, practical and business implications of technology’s impact on forming a binding contract.
Many New York attorneys – even experienced ones – have questions about NY CLE compliance. That’s why we created our New York CLE FAQ… so we can help you easily find the information that you need about your NY CLE compliance!
California attorneys may no longer submit a paper compliance card, attorneys must now report their compliance online through My State Bar Profile.
Group III attorney in Pennsylvania must complete 12 PA CLE hours by December 31. PA attorneys are allowed to complete 6 Pennsylvania CLE hours via online and downloadable video & audio courses
The deadline to complete all 45 OR CLE hours is December 31, 2019. Oregon attorneys may complete all 45 required OR MCLE hours through online and downloadable CLE courses.
Ohio attorneys are allowed to complete up to 12 hours of the required 24 OH CLE hours through online Ohio CLE courses. The date to complete the required 24 credit hours is December 31 and the deadline to report your OH CLE compliance is January 31.
North Carolina attorneys must complete 12 hours of NC CLE by December 31. Of the 12 required hours, at least 2 hours must be accredited for legal ethics.
Nevada attorneys must now complete at least 13 Nevada CLE hours each annual NV CLE compliance period. Nevada attorneys must make sure to complete at least 2 hours of legal ethics and 1 hour of substance abuse as part of the new 13 hour Nevada requirement. Nevada CLE * Total Hours: 13 * Legal Ethics: 2 * Substance Abuse: 1 You only…