Yes, California attorneys can complete online & downloadable MCLE courses for Participatory credit because we monitor your participation and verify your attendance in the course.

Yes, California attorneys can complete online & downloadable MCLE courses for Participatory credit because we monitor your participation and verify your attendance in the course.
If your last name starts with A-G and you haven’t completed your CA CLE you still have time. If you comply with your CA MCLE requirement by June 30, then you will only have to pay a $75 late fee and you can avoid being suspended.
Starting around November we get quite a few calls from California attorneys as the CA MCLE compliance deadline approaches. We get quite a few calls from California attorneys that don’t know about the participatory and/or self-study CLE requirements when it comes to CA MCLE compliance. California attorneys must make sure to complete at least 12.5 credit hours of participatory credit each three-year compliance…
The short answer – yes! California attorneys can take all 12.5 required participatory hours online, including all ethics, bias and competence issues. For online (and downloadable) CLE courses, participatory means that we monitor your participation – which we do.[1] The next group up for MCLE compliance in California is Compliance Group 2. Attorneys with last names H-M must complete the California MCLE…