On June 14, 2023, the North Carolina Supreme Court amended the North Carolina Continuing Legal Education (CLE) rules. The new rules became effective on March 1, 2024.
- The new reporting period for CLE will be two years, beginning on March 1 through the last day of February.
- The new CLE requirement is 24 credit hours.
- A minimum of 4 hours of ethics, 1 hour of technology, and 1 hour of professional well being (PWB) are required for each reporting cycle.
- Twelve hours of carryover credit may be carry over from one reporting cycle to the next reporting cycle. All carryover credit is counted as general credit hours.
Attorneys admitted in an odd year will only be required to complete 12 total hours, including 2 ethics, 1 technology, and 1 PWB for the February 28, 2025, deadline.
Attorneys admitted in an even year will be required to complete the 24-hour requirement for the February 28, 2026, deadline.
If you were admitted in an odd year, your CLE will be due in odd years. If you were admitted in an even year, your CLE will be due in even years.
Attorney Credits, a nationwide provider of CLE is an Approved North Carolina CLE Provider. We have North Carolina Compliance CLE Bundles, approved North Carolina CLE courses, and Unlimited Credit plans. If you are new to Attorney Credits, we even have a free 7-day trial.