What a year it’s been for tax and estate planning attorneys – a year of change and uncertainty. However, with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act things have become much more clear… or have they? I know that I’ve talked to quite a few attorneys the last few months desperate for a CLE on the new tax law.
Tax Planning – The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Major tax reform was approved by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on December 22, 2017. The IRS is working on implementing this major tax legislation that will affect both individuals and businesses.
If you’re one of those attorneys that needs help deciphering the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, David K. Cahoone will provide his wisdom and guidance on the newly minted tax act so you help your clients chart the best path in these tumultuous times. David will mainly talk about what’s changed & what remains the same under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the increasingly critical role of building flexibility into plans and continuing to help clients discover and set a course for achieving their enlightened dreams. To access the course please click here: Tax Planning: Providing Wisdom and Leadership in Tumultuous Times.
The following will also be discussed:
- Sunset provisions
- Transfer tax exemptions
- Inflation adjustments
- Trusts and Estates Tax Rates
- Medicare surtax
- Chained C-CPI
- The grand illusion of exemption increase
- Clawback
- Marital trust planning
- Wealth creation, preservation & distribution
- Portability
- QTIP-ing with portability
- When to make a “portability only” QTIP election
- More basis – the new holy grail of planning
- Why flexibility in planning matters
- Protecting inheritances
- Life insurance
- Planning for high net worth clients
David K. Cahoone is the Principal at the Law Firm of David K. Cahoone and is a Laureate in Wealth Strategies and Education Fellow at the Southern California Institute. David works collaboratively with other attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors, and insurance professionals to serve the specialized planning needs of individuals, families and business owners.
This CLE course is offered in the following states:
- Alaska (AK)
- Arizona (AZ)
- California (CA)
- Connecticut (CT)
- District of Columbia (DC)
- Illinois (IL)
- Maryland (MD)
- Massachusetts (MA)
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- Pennsylvania (PA)
- South Dakota (SD)
Attorney Credits offers CLE for attorneys in New York and around the country. For more information about CLE in New York please click the following link: NY CLE.