If you practice in Illinois you have new MCLE requirements from your last compliance period in 2017. Illinois attorneys still must complete 30 total hours of IL CLE. However, instead of completing 6 Professional Responsibility, you must now complete 4 hours of Professional Responsibility, 1 hour of Diversity & Inclusion and 1 hour of Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Illinois MCLE Requirement
30 – total hours
4 – hours of Professional Responsibility
1 – hour of Diversity & Inclusion
1 – hour of Mental Health & Substance Abuse
This reflects a trend around the country as more states are creating separate Bias & Diversity and Substance Abuse & Mental Health requirements. Luckily, Illinois attorneys may complete all 30 hours via online and downloadable Illinois CLE courses. For more information about the Illinois CLE requirement and deadline, please click the following link: IL CLE.